Hey David here...

Thank you for your interest in the FitPro Incubator, where I help Studio Owners add an extra Ā£3-4kpm & build a highly profitable fitness business that leaves plenty of time to enjoy life too

Honestly, here is how good it can be...

The other day, me & Holly where chatting about when we had the gym & how we went from the struggles of having to get up at 5:30am every morning to chasing low end clients to pay & not forgetting, the first 5 years of business, where we never had a holiday

To never even seeing the 6am or even 7am again, visiting Florida, Dubai, Thailand, Spain & many more countries, while all knowing the business was profitable with the systems we had put in place

+ now sharing snippets of these strategies & systems we use with over 90+ Studio Owner Ads Management clients

It's crazy now when I think back to when I used to run a bootcamp for Ā£5 a session & even let people train for free šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø

So hereā€™s whatā€™s happening

Virtually, via LeadDec and Discordā€¦

Iā€™m putting together an intimate group of studio owners, Iā€™m hand picking as having the right qualities to add 3-4k into their fitness business over the next 90 daysā€¦

And leading them through a transformational programme that comes as close as possible to guaranteeing their success.

Iā€™ve named it The FitPro Incubator, and if you decide to join us Iā€™ll show you everything we did to build our studio: FitHub30 step by step & what we share with our Ads Management clients to open their first, second & in one cases 20th studioā€¦

All so you can build your own highly profitable fitness studio business, that give you freedom, piece of mind & enjoyment of life again

Hereā€™s how itā€™ll break down:


we start with a one-to-one onboarding to lay out your 90 day gameplan

Weā€™ll have weekly non-negotiable growth tasks that Iā€™ll hold you accountable for.

(believe me when I say you donā€™t want to let me down!)


1 ON 1 monthly BUSINESS Gameplan call*...

all done with David to reflect on what went well & maybe not so well from the last month/quarter, followed by mapping out the next month/quarter, while also setting business & personal goals to not only be hit, but smashed!

*only available to All Access Clients


There will be 4x Zoom coaching calls each week with myself & ash burleigh where weā€™ll go deeper

And in between youā€™ll be able to ask questions in our  private LeadDec Community & Discord Group.

All so youā€™re never in doubt about what your next step is.


Weā€™ll be learning and building

so Iā€™ll be taking you through a logical sequence of steps to adding a minimum of 3-4k in the next 90 days & create a highly profitable Fitness Studio:

1: Business Model & Offer Creation

2: Lead Gen Eco-System

3: Hunting & Selling

4: Retention & Experience

5: Business Development & Team Building

6: Operations & Systems Development

7: Cash, Finances & Numbers

Those that are ready for exponential growth & want to keep pushing, then we have something special lined up



where the magic really happens, including the biggest personal & business breakthroughs. These meet-ups are all about getting you out of your fitness business & creating rock-solid plans to go away with!


FREE LeadDec Account & The Incubtaor Snapshot - RRP: Ā£147pm

giving you free access to our "All-In-One" lead gen & sales software. Plus by pass support & work directly with me to help build all your systems & automations

If you leave The Incubator, you will start being billed Ā£147 for LeadDec



all done on LeadDec, saving you hours a week to generate, chase & sell to new clients. Plus allowing you to make more money by retaining more clients for longer!

*only available to All Access Clients

Now, since selling the studio at the start of 2023 my full focus has been on FitPro Lead Gen & LeadDec

With both growing month on month, plus then having to keep adding staff into the team to keep up with the demand

Basically, I hadn't planned on teaching or coaching again since selling the studio


The requests keep coming from Studio Owners just like yourself, wanting to know how we launched, scaled, took myself out of the business & then sold

& when I share tips, strategies, the steps with people who ask or on Social Media, the passion for owning a studio comes back šŸ’Ŗ

Now with FitPro & LeadDec growing, plus as part of the agreement when I sold that I can't open a studio in Cardiff for a minimum of 3 years šŸ˜†

This is one of the most amazing things about the world of entrepreneurship

Anything is possible if you put your mind, work & focus into it

After all, I went from standing in the rain teaching bootcamps for FREE to running a small group studio, charging THREE figures a month for membership

Itā€™s like a money superpower.

And once you have it, nobody can take it away from you.

That said, itā€™s not so easy to find the right people to learn this stuff fromā€¦

There are just so many spoofers out there.

Personally, Iā€™ve invested over Ā£50k+ on coaching and mentorship to accelerate my progress while building a fitness studio 

Some of that money was very well spent, the majority not so much.

I donā€™t have any regrets, but it would have been much better if I had found one person to teach me all the pivotal partsā€¦

So I could have saved myself headaches, heartache and walletache.

Thatā€™s what weā€™ll be doing in The FitPro Incubator.

And because itā€™s the first time Iā€™m offering this program, I want to ensure every person who does this succeeds the same way I have.

Whatā€™s the investment?

Everyone starts with a 90 day membership in The FitPro Incubator

You either join on the LITE Version (Ā£350pm) - No Monthly 1-1 Game Plan Calls

or All Access Version (Ā£550pm)

You can expect to get a 2-3x ROI on that investment even BEFORE your first 90 days endsā€¦ 

Of course thatā€™s IF you are coachable and follow my instructions to the letter!

After that itā€™s all gravy for you.

But I want to do something even betterā€¦

So Iā€™m structuring the offer to be super low-risk, and Iā€™m going to put my own skin in the game.

You can get started in The FitPro Incubator today with a deposit of Ā£350/Ā£550ā€¦

Followed by 2 payments of Ā£350/Ā£550ā€¦

And to ensure you hit the 2-3x ROI in the first 90 days, I going to LeadDec & The Incubator Snapshot for FREE - Usually Ā£147 per month

This way we both have skin in the game to ensure you hit the 2-3x ROI!

So if all this makes sense, and youā€™re sure The FitPro Incubator is for you?

All you need to do is send me a quick message to say ā€œFitPro Incubatorā€

And once youā€™ve confirmed your place by making the deposit payment of Ā£350/Ā£550ā€¦

Iā€™ll send you my game plan calendar to get started right away.

Let's Grow That Fitness Business


David Kyle

PS - Spaces are limited to ensure results, so the investment to join will at least double next time I run it. If you fancy working with me, now is the time to jump in.

Explanation Of The Difference In Prices (LITE: Ā£350pm) or (All-Access: Ā£550pm)

The main difference monthly 1-1 GAMEPLAN Call, if you want to have a GAMEPLAN call each & every month, then you will need to join the All-Access: Ā£550pm

If you don't need the GAMEPLAN call each month, then you should join the LITE: Ā£350pm

On both levels, you will still access all group coaching calls, LeadDec & The Incubator Snapshot for FREE & everything else mentioned above

Please note: everyone will start with a 90 Day GAMEPLAN call no matter what level you start on

Explanation Of LeadDec & The Incubator Snapshot for FREE - RRP: Ā£147pm

LeadDec is our "All-in-One" Lead Gen & Sales system, that combines a load of different tools & systems into one place

We will also be giving you the very best systems, automations, funnels & downloads to help you make the very best of the software, plus access all new Incubator updates

Please note: if you leave the FitPro Incubator, you will then be charged Ā£147pm

Explanation Of The "BONUS: COMPLETE "DONE FOR YOU" LEAD & RETENTION SYSTEM - Currently Sold for: Ā£2000" *only available to All Access Clients

The "BONUS: COMPLETE "DONE FOR YOU" LEAD & RETENTION SYSTEM - Currently Sold for: Ā£1200" refers to the Lead Gen Eco-System which is an additional offering by LeadDec, this offering is added into your LeadDec account free of charge as part of joining the FitPro Incubator.

You will be granted the "Do It Yourself" version for FREE which is charged usually at Ā£1200, this includes the whole system, the step by step training course & lifetime updates.

If you with to upgrade to the "Done for You" or "Come To You" version, there will be a one of charge of Ā£500

For full details on all 3 & what is included can be found here: https://leaddec.com/eco-system

Disclaimer: while you are a member with the FitPro Incubator, we will support, encourage & motivate you, to help you achieve your goals. But we need to make you aware that results will vary depending on a number of factors that we can't always control.

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